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"Beautiful are those whose brokenness

gives birth to transformation and wisdom"

- John Mark Green


Nichole McGraw

Certified NLP Life Coach
Certified 200hr Yoga Instructor
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

Craniosacral Therapy Practitioner

Even before I began my career as a physiotherapist, more than 25 years ago, I had an awareness there was more to injury and disease than the physical body.  


I’ve had different physical experiences over the years, including migraines, sleep and digestive issues, and periods of depression and anxiety.  These “issues” launched my desire to look beyond treating a symptom and to the bigger question of “why is this happening?” Then came a significant low back injury as a teenager which set the stage for years of chronic pain and my introduction into the profession of physiotherapy and craniosacral therapy as ways to help with healing the body.  It was that experience that got me interested in, and led me to complete my degree in physiotherapy in 1996, and soon afterwards began multiple trainings in craniosacral therapy.


Over time working with clients, it became more and more obvious to me that the issues I was helping them with, were actually allowing them to integrate the effects of stress and unprocessed trauma, not only within their physical bodies, but within their minds and spirits as well.  I realized this was also true for my own experiences.


My curiosity for continuing to explore the link between stress, trauma, and how it affects our bodies, led me to eventually completing certifications in both yoga and life coaching.  Afterwards, while attending a workshop on somatic psychology, I was introduced to Somatic Experiencing and immediately saw how this trauma processing approach could help me tie many tools together to enable me to help people on an even deeper level.  Without hesitation, I dove into the Somatic Experiencing Practitioner training which I completed in 2018.


I started my own private practice in Fredericton, NB in 2011, where I focus on helping people with stress and trauma related physical issues, using a trauma informed approach.  I help people listen to and interpret their body sensations, figure out where they are “stuck”, and facilitate freeing up of their bodies and minds.  I take an integrative approach when working with clients, which includes a combination of education, hands-on work, and home practices, always tailored to each person’s unique body and nervous system needs.


Have any questions?  Reach out!

To learn more about Somatic Experiencing visit Somatic Experiencing International's website.

To learn more about Craniosacral Therapy visit Upledger Institute International, Inc.'s website. 

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